Does the idea of treating yourself to a vacation, a new bag or even a simple manicure feel like a taboo indulgence? Do you already feel like everyone else is judging you as “selfish”?
It’s not just you, believe me. For generations, women were not “allowed” to put their desires or their femininity first. It’s “irresponsible,” “impossible” and of course always “too expensive”…
Thankfully we now know better! Because the truth is, the more you give to yourself, the more you have to give to others!
In this Episode, I’m helping you escape the slippery slope to burnout and resentment and finally say YES to YOU and your desires, guilt-free.
Watch now and make yourself a priority so you can live life to the fullest!
Gina DeVee
P.S. So where are you going to Brunch, and how will you be treating yourself!?! Leave your comment below and let’s support each-other in treating ourselves like Queens!